Ecuador: 17 Active Forest Fires

Smoke from the active forest fires, Nov 2024 Photo: @elpaiscali
November 18, 2024 Hour: 5:45 pm
The SNGR confirmed that eight helicopters, including two sent from Peru and one managed by the Italian embassy, are acting over the burning areas and have performed 266 discharges in the mentioned territories.
On Monday, the National Secretariat of Risk Management (SNGR) reported that there are 17 active forest fires in Ecuador, five of them controlled, while the southern provinces of Loja and Azuay are the most affected.
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The Minister of Environment and Energy, Inés Manzano, president of the Emergency Operations Committee (COE), confirmed the National Emergency Declaration for forest fires, water deficit and drought, due to the magnitude and impact of the events registered.
The SNGR confirmed that eight helicopters, including two sent from Peru and one managed by the Italian embassy, are acting over the burning areas and have performed 266 discharges in the mentioned territories.
In Azuay, the cantons of Cuenca, Sigsig, Nabón and Santa Isabel have been severely affected, with the loss of 1,705 hectares of vegetation cover since November 1.
In Loja, fires in San Pedro de Vilcabamba, Chuquiribamba and Landapo have consumed more than 8,500 hectares. The Ministry of Government stated in a communiqué that they identified “deliberate actions of certain groups with destabilizing interests that seek to generate anxiety in our communities”.
In the statement they affirm that the latest arson attacks are “terrorist acts”, which represent an attack against the safety of people and the environment, while seeking to sow chaos in the country.
The Ministry stated that there are complaints against three people for these acts and the security forces are looking for them in order to bring them before the criminal justice system.
For more than a week firefighters have been trying to control the fires in the austro and they have been joined by brigades from other cities, such as Quito.
Among the most affected areas are the Cajas and Podocarpus National Parks.
Ecuador is currently suffering from an intense drought, which in turn is causing a reduction in the water resources available for electricity generation, as well as rationing of drinking water in some cities.
Autor: OSG
Fuente: The Independent-The Star